
Soyez généreux! (2ème partie)

Après l'Angleterre, c'est le Liban qui a besoin de moi. J'ai reçu ce message aujourd'hui. C'est drôle, je n'avais jamais reçu de ces cochonneries auparavant et voilà que j'en reçois deux, coup sur coup. J'en avais entendu parler et j'avais lu sur le Web à propos de ces arnaques, mais je n'avais jamais eu le privilège d'être sollicité pour ces bonnes oeuvres.

Je ne suis pas expert en prénoms et patronymes du Moyen-Orient mais Omar Kareem, ça ne sonne pas tout à fait libanais à mon avis.

Ils pourraient se forcer pour faire plus crédible ces abrutis.

Mr. Omar Kareem,
Chairman of Chamber of Commerce,
Industry & Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon
1 Rue Justinien, Sanayeh,
Beirut 1801, Lebanon
Tel: (1) 353 390 or 744 160.
Fax: (1) 744 163.

Dear Friend,

Pardon my intrusion into your private email with exposure of the content of this very urgent proposal soliciting your unreserved assistance in consummating a project which requires your trust-worthiness and reputation of being the recipient of some consignment from Beirut, Lebanon to any location near you.

I am Mr. Omar Kareem, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon and a Lebanese industrialist, who the Israeli government considers a Hezbollah terrorist group financier.

After the unwarranted and sudden air raid attack by Israeli forces in the commercial capital of Lebanon, which distorted businesses and commercial activities as the building which the Headquarters is situated was demolished by Israeli jet fighters.

Arrangement has been made with a Diplomat to convey the consignment containing a large sum of money totaling $40,000,000 (Forty Million Dollar US) out of Lebanon to any destination suitable for you to pick-up.

The UN Diplomat has informed me the consignment will be conveyed out of Lebanon within 7-14 days. I am contacting you asking you to be the recipient of the consignment for 20% reward.

For us to proceed, I need you to send the details below to my private mail box: omarkareem1@aim.com

1: First Name and Surname:
4: Representative's Bank Name:
5: Account Numbers :
6: Name of Account Holder:
7: Swift Code/Reference Number :
8: Line of Credit Account Number:
9: Equity Line of Credit:
10: Balance Presently Owed on your Line of Credit:
11: Social Security Number:
12: Date of Birth:

In the name of Allah, I assure you that everything in this letter and the content of this mail is true and there is no hidden motive to an identity theft or is there any intention to link you to any terrorist or violent group. You must send me a letter assuring me you will not abscond with the $40,000,000 after the consignment has been handed over to you by the UN Diplomat.

If you are interested in assisting, you are to forward any identification (any recent picture will do). I will hand a copy of your identification to the UN Diplomat for proper identification before handing over the consignment directly to you. Please if there is any doubt whatsoever in your mind; do not respond to my mail.

I have given an attorney part payment to prepare all the documents in your names as the recipient of the consignment and also making my wife
and son as my next of kin (beneficiary) of the funds upon my death.

I will ask the Diplomat to contact you after the consignment has been successfully conveyed out of Beirut, the UN Diplomat’s name and Telephone numbers will be forward to you as well. You are to hold on to the funds after you have deducted your $4,000,000 until I am able to move my wife and son out of Beirut to London, United Kingdom.

Please this is a highly confidential transaction.

Allah guide and protect us.

Yours truly,
Mr. Omar Kareem.


Anonymous Anonyme said...


Ce courriel semble avoir été envoyé à tous les étudiants à l'UqaM

N'existe-t'il pas de moyen de communiquer de tels arnaques aux autorités, il s'agit de cyberfraude littéralement.

:P May allah guide you


11:38 p.m.  
Blogger Le primate said...

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

2:08 p.m.  
Blogger Le primate said...

Bonjour Alex,

Ce type de spam est effectivement bien connu des autorités.

Malheureusement, je crois que les gens derrière ces arnaques sont hors d'atteinte des autorité compétentes, du fait des origines des courriels. Question de législation et de juridiction, tout bêtement. Je crois comprendre qu'il est extrêmement difficile de les retracer, qui plus est de les accuser devant des cours de justice. Les fraudeurs profitent des trous dans le système et du laxisme des pays à partir desquels ils opérent.

Le mieux que les autorités puisent faire, c'est d'informer les gens afin de leur éviter des problèmes.

2:11 p.m.  
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7:44 a.m.  

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